Choral Music


Fernand Laloux

Magnificat Music is pleased to be making available a selection of church music by Fernand Laloux (1901-1970), former distinguished Director of Music at Farm Street Jesuit Church. His music is French in flavour, owing much to the influence of Ravel, and will provide choirs with interesting new material for many different liturgical occasions. Several of his pieces have been in regular use at the London Oratory since the 1980s.

Check back on this website frequently to ensure you don't miss new titles as they appear. For details of how to order, click the link at the foot of this page.


Farm Street Benediction set

Regularly used at Farm Street Jesuit Church from the Second World War onwards until the mid-1960s, this suite consists of three pieces in E minor:

O Salutaris - SATB unaccompanied, with divisi tenors (a 2) and basses (a 2) in places, basses a 3 on the final chord.

Tantum ergo - SATB unaccompanied, with optional 1st soprano descant in verse 2 and divided basses on final chord.

Adoremus in aeternum - SATB unaccompanied, with divided basses on final chord. Latin plainchant verses.

The music is fresh and French in idiom (Laloux was a Belgian by birth), and the scores all have keyboard reductions for rehearsal purposes, plus an optional organ accompaniment for the plainchant verses in the Adoremus.

The O Salutaris and Tantum ergo are recorded by Patrick Russill and the London Oratory Choir on the CD Jesu Dulcis Memoria (Herald HAVPCD 298, 2004).

Ref no MM101 - £2.00 plus postage (US $3.75 plus shipping - orders over $10.00 with free shipping)

Sample PDF here



Music for Benediction

Four more pieces demonstrating Laloux's craftsmanship and distinctive harmonic idiom:

O Salutaris - Unison with descant, organ accompaniment, in a comparatively simple style.

Tantum ergo in E - SATB unaccompanied with divisions a 2 in all parts (basses divide a 3 on final chord). This richly-textured motet uses the 3rd-mode Gregorian chant as a cantus firmus throughout, and concludes with a glorious Amen burgeoning from one part to nine. Includes keyboard reduction for rehearsal.

Adoro te devote - Unison with descant, organ accompaniment. Here a mostly pentatonic melody floats on top of characteristic Laloux harmonies, joined by a descant based on the Gregorian chant melody associated with this St Thomas Aquinas text.

Cor Jesu, Cor purissimum - SATB and organ accompaniment. A simple setting of this little-known 18th-century devotional text on the theme of the Heart of Jesus.

Ref no MM102 - £3.00 plus postage (US $5.00 plus shipping - orders over $10.00 with free shipping)

Sample PDF here

Stetit angelus - SSATTBB a cappella

An extraordinary motet for the feast of Ss Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, other feasts of angels, and also useful during incensations. This is Laloux’s rich harmonic language at its finest. Keyboard reduction for rehearsal included.

Ref no MM103 - £1.00 plus postage (US $2.00 plus shipping - orders over $10.00 with free shipping)

Sample PDF here

Pie Jesu - SATB a cappella with S and B soli and divisi T

This brief but poignant setting was frequently requested for use at funerals and Requiems during Laloux’s time at Farm Street.

Ref no MM104 - £1.00 plus postage (US $2.00 plus shipping - orders over $10.00 with free shipping)

Sample PDF here

Our Father and Hail Mary - SABar a cappella

Two brief settings of these prayers in English for three-part choir or three soloists. Simple but profound music.

Ref no MM105 - £1.00 plus postage (US $2.00 plus shipping - orders over $10.00 with free shipping)

Sample PDF here

Ave Maria - SATB (all divisi) and organ

Dated 1933, this is Laloux at his most French, with much use of Ravel/Debussy-esque whole-tone harmonies. Based on the opening plainchant phrase of the Ave Maria chant, this atmospheric piece begins quietly, reaches a stunning central climax and ends quietly again.

Ref no MM106 - £2.00 plus postage (US $3.75 plus shipping - orders over $10.00 with free shipping)

Sample PDF here


Tota pulchra es, Maria - SATB (all divisi) and organ

Completed in October 1963, this amazingly powerful Marian motet is at the apogee of Laloux's idiomatic writing. His adaptation of the liturgical text makes this piece usable on many occasions other than the original feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Ref no MM 107 - £2.00 plus postage (US $3.75 plus shipping - orders over $10.00 with free shipping)

Sample PDF here


Candlemas Responsory - SATB unaccompanied (A and B divide)

A choral adaptaion of the traditional Gregorian chant Responsum accepit Simeon for the liturgy of 2nd February. Two sides of music on a stiff card for durability.

Ref no MM 108 - £1.00 plus postage (US $2.00 plus shipping - orders over $10.00 with free shipping)

Sample PDF here



Other titles in preparation include:

Ave verum corpus

A flowing setting for ATB and organ.

Offertory Hymn

The hymn tune ST THOMAS arranged for congregation and organ with soprano/alto double descant.

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